Security & Defence

Security & Defence

Assessing  the  Peace and  Security  Council’s Response to  the  Implications of  Cyber Security to the Continental  Peace and   Security Landscape

By Johannes Hilling On July 27th, it was reported that a cyber-attack on Kenya’s eCitizen platform and M Pesa services was conducted, resulting in the disruption of the payment service as well as the processing of eVisas and other government services (Mwai & Nkonge, 2023). While concrete attribution is unclear...
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Security & Defence

Is War On the Decline?

By Movine Omondi From classical theorists like Carl von Clausewitz to modern thinkers such as Joshua Goldstein and Stephen Pinker, among others, war, as demonstrated by past and recent happenings in Ukraine and Palestine, continues to mesmerise mankind. Initially thought to be on the decline, warfare, particularly interstate wars coupled...
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