Our Approach

Our Approach: The Continental Way

We employ a nuanced, pragmatic, innovative, and collaborative approach to research, analysis and publishing. We embody;

Localised Insights

  • Our team comprises compassionate, experienced, passionate, and diverse researchers, analysts, and practitioners, bringing a wealth of backgrounds and perspectives to our work. Our team of knowledgeable researchers and analysts possess an in-depth understanding of the African continent, ensuring accurate and insightful analysis.

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Commitment to Objectivity

We uphold objectivity, championing unbiased and ethical analysis in every endeavour. We also seek to maintain ethical standards in all our research and publishing endeavours by adhering to strict quality control and ethical practices at all times.

Collaborative Approach

Collaboration is integral to our mission; we actively seek partnerships, believing that Africa’s challenges require the collective contributions of all stakeholders. We collaborate with among others Governmental entities, Intergovernmental bodies, Development Partners, Private firms both local firms and multinationals and Civil Society Groups drawn from the grassroots as well as national societies.

Empower decision-makers

We provide up-to-date, accurate information about Africa to various stakeholders, including Policy Makers, Development Agencies and Private firms among others.

Diverse Representation

 Diversity is the bedrock of our work; intentionally reflecting, publishing, and embracing diverse opinions, views, and perspectives in our coverage at all times. We actively listen and incorporate our audience’s experiences to address complex challenges in Africa’s evolving landscape.

Prioritise practical solutions

We deliver high-quality research and publishing that yields exceptional outcomes for our audience.

Impactful Ideas

We continually ensure free flow of ideas drawn from our various sources spread across Africa and elsewhere including;

  • Our Locally-based analysts: Our network ensures access to authentic information from the grassroots.
  • Evidence-based insights: We offer reliable data to enable informed decision-making and maximise the impact of development programs.